I’m learning a lot by talking to customers. I get all sorts of feedback: some positive, some negative, and a whole range in between. Here are a couple of gems.
“Ugh, I don’t like this. This is very bad. Nobody should make this. Why are you making this? It’s just not good. Please. I don’t think this is necessary. It just doesn’t taste good. In any case, it’s not for me. It’s not my thing. Do you have to make this?…[pause]…But don’t let me discourage you!”
“Hmm. I guess it’s ok. It’s kind of weird. We don’t really have this in Germany. Are you familiar with Landjäger (typical German sausage available in all grocery stores)? Why don’t you sell Landjäger? People buy that.”
This kind of feedback is hard to take seriously. I usually thank them for their feedback, and then I make a mental note to tell James about it later so we can share a good laugh.
People share their opinions on the packaging too. One store declined to sell the jerky entirely because our packaging was deemed inadequate. Someone else told us that the packaging is too neutral and not catchy enough. I like our packaging. I think it looks high quality but also homemade. I won’t go into detail here about packaging and labeling though because that story is a blog post for another day.